is a worldwide oil painting one-stop shopping site. It is fast, easy and safe for online art lovers to search the perfect paintings to decorate their home, office, hotel and so on. If you want to buy some genuine hand-painted oil paintings, or if you are looking to turn a photograph into an original painting, then is your best place. We are the best supplier of authentic hand painted art paintings.
You can place your order online directly since we have got a very efficient online purchasing system. You can customize your favorite paintings, sizes and frames online through Shop by Top Paintings, Shop by Subject, Shop by Room or Shop by Occasion. You can also order a portrait from your own photo (family portraits, wedding photo portraits, baby photo portraits, pets, house, etc) or paintings not listed in our web site through Photo to Art.
We have our own entity gallery and 25 professional studios. Over 500 talented artists working for us. All of our artists are well educated through the professional art academy and possesses over 15 years artistic career. They tend to specialize in a certain style or in works of a certain master. We commission orders to the artist who is most likely to do the best job. Our artists use their eyes, hands and senses to paint each art works,ensuring that every brush stroke is perfect.
We have our own entity gallery and 25 professional studios. Over 500 talented artists working for us. All of our artists are well educated through the professional art academy and possesses over 15 years artistic career. They tend to specialize in a certain style or in works of a certain master. We commission orders to the artist who is most likely to do the best job. Our artists use their eyes, hands and senses to paint each art works,ensuring that every brush stroke is perfect.
Every painting is hand painted just for you !
We only use the best materials for producing the paintings, that is why they can be well collected for several decades without any color fading. And we have our independent Inspection Department that control the quality of each painting before shipment. Furthermore, we provide lifetime warranty on each painting. We maintain the highest level of quality control and provide the best customer service possible. Nowadays our products have got a well quality reputation in the oil painting market.
Our site also offers some exquisite oil painting frames. This is very helpful to combine with our beautiful oil paintings. You can find both your oil paintings and frames at our products catalog. You can customize your favorite images, sizes, and frames. There is no minimum order quantity required. You can purchase as little as one painting or as many as you like. We offer Free Shipping on all orders to worldwide.
Our goal is to provide you the exquisite oil paintings at an affordable price, improving your shopping experience with top-rated service. Your satisfaction is our best regards.
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